Learn how to sell your books and build a fanbase

Here are 3 secrets every author needs to know

Are you struggling to sell your books?

Most authors are. And the problem is that there's a lot of advice out there that isn't accurate.

Maybe you've tried all the things the gurus tell you like building a social media following, trying ads, book tours, paying for promos, being everywhere at once, etc.

The reason that these things don't work long term is because they focus on short bursts of activity hoping to strike gold and sell tons of books.

They ignore the tried and true practice of slow and steady efforts that build up over time.

It's not the short bursts that will sell your books. It's building trust between you and your readers which takes time and consistency.

Now you know this secret. Grab the download for more when you subscribe ;)

Look for the email from me with your download, and you'll be on your way.

If you want to sell books consistently and have tons of fans awaiting your next book, you'll want this.

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